Despre Ea
Beyonce Giselle Knowles (n. 4 septembrie 1981), adesea cunoscut de Beyoncé mononym (pronunţat de albine-YON-spun), este un artist american de înregistrare, actrita si designer de moda. Născut şi crescut în Houston, Texas, sa înscris la diverse şcoli artelor spectacolului şi a fost expus la concursuri cântând şi dansând ca un copil. Knowles a crescut la faima la sfârşitul anilor 1990 ca solista de R & B copilului fata grupului Destiny's, unul dintre grupurile din lume fata cel mai bine vandut din toate timpurile.
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles (born September 4, 1981), often known by the mononym Beyoncé (pronounced bee-YON-say), is an American recording artist, actress and fashion designer. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, she enrolled in various performing arts schools and was first exposed to singing and dancing competitions as a child. Knowles rose to fame in the late 1990s as the lead singer of the R&B girl group Destiny's Child, one of the world's best-selling girl groups of all time.
Beyonce teacher
Beyonce samba
Beyonce on beach
Beyonce sexy
Beyonce hands up
Beyonce smile
Beyonce fashion
Beyonce brown sugar
Beyonce white
Beyonce black sexy dresses
Beyonce face
Beyonce swimsuit
Beyonce atractive
Beyonce atragatoare
Beyonce hair braiding
Beyonce cu par cretz
Beyonce beauty
Beyonce beautiful
Beyonce smile on camera
Beyonce red dress
Beyonce fashion pink rochie
Beyonce blue
Beyonce brown hair and clothes
Beyonce blugins
Beyonce green
Beyonce knowles
Beyonce samba
Beyonce on beach
Beyonce sexy
Beyonce hands up
Beyonce smile
Beyonce fashion
Beyonce brown sugar
Beyonce white
Beyonce black sexy dresses
Beyonce face
Beyonce swimsuit
Beyonce atractive
Beyonce atragatoare
Beyonce hair braiding
Beyonce cu par cretz
Beyonce beauty
Beyonce beautiful
Beyonce smile on camera
Beyonce red dress
Beyonce fashion pink rochie
Beyonce blue
Beyonce brown hair and clothes
Beyonce blugins
Beyonce green
Beyonce knowles