Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rebecca Loos

Rebecca Loos
Despre Ea
Rebecca Loos (n. 19 iunie 1977) este un model spaniol-născut anglo-olandez şi personalitate media, care a fost adus în atenţia mass-media în urma susţine ea a efectuat o aventură cu fotbalistul David Beckham căsătorit, în timp ce angajat ca asistent personal. Aceste afirmaţii a făcut-o într-o personalitate media, şi ea a aparut de atunci pe mai multe serii de televiziune realitate, reviste şi în alte media.
Rebecca Loos (born 19 June 1977) is a Spanish-born Anglo-Dutch model and media personality, who was brought to media attention following claims that she conducted an affair with the married football player David Beckham—while employed as his personal assistant. These allegations made her into a media personality, and she has since appeared on several reality television series, magazine covers and in other media.

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